planning mass murder ...
but i would think that anyone could see a terrorist attack on the scale of sept. 11 stands miles ahead of its kin in that it has historical meaning and value. if the goal of terrorism is to gain political ground through the use of violence, then this is one hell of a political opportunity. i have a feeling that the whole world will be watching ... except america, we could give a fuck less.
i would be willing to bet that if i asked all of my friends about the european union, three would know what i am talking about. there is no such thing as good news to us anymore. i know one person who watches the nightly news. i don't know anyone that reads the newspaper.
the point is just that you could really drive home the fact that there is a sincere clash of cultures here that needs to be addressed imediately on an honorable and level table very soon. i guess that's just what i would get out of it. but fuck, i have kind of lost track of whatever it is that the terrorists want.
would it really be as simple as turning our back on israel? and if it was, how many americans would be down? that's what i really want to know. how much does the general american public really care about israel? i mean, if we fail to make the connection between iraq and oil, than how are we going to see the connection between israel and oil?
my sense is that we could never even ask these questions. and there is a large part of me that believes the answers would not be what i expect.
i think that if god talks to you, then i am pretty scared of you. that's really what it comes down to. i don't want to fuck around with someone that thinks that they are getting hooked up on the other side of the big sleep. it's like bribery. it just isn't right.
i wonder what turning our back on israel would result in. would israel kick eveyrone else's ass? i mean, these countries are pretty weak, as near as i can tell. there was the whole six-days war thing. and this last little battle with iraq, who was punking all these bitches anyway.
and would israel use nuclear weapons?
whatever, it's not going to happen. i know that i won't die for israel, and that's something. shit ... did i have a point?
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