odd noises in my head

mercredi, juillet 06, 2005

what the fuck is the g-8?

i remember watching tv a few weeks ago seeing some commercial about how you needed to "watch e3 on g4" or something like that. one of the basic fundamental laws of media communications is that if there are problems in the communication aspect, then it is all for naught. and to that degree, using ad hoc abbreviations and acronyms is often going to cause confusion and inhibit communication.

osama bin laden gives bush what he was waiting for all day. photo stolen from otoons.comnot that i am in any sort of position to criticize ad people, when they are by far the most productive and effective propagandists in recorded history. but it always annoys me when you are reading something and it uses this obscure (and often awkward) acronym for something that could be reduced to a simple noun. you wouldn't believe how long it took me to catch on to anwar (or however it is written) as the national wildlife refuge in alaska.

in context, anwar makes you sound like an elitist, especially when "the refuge" would often work just as well. it's like, people are always trying to prove what they know.

of course, when you are talking about something like the g-8, i guess the rules are a little different. either way, i must have been lost on the formation of its relevance, as it was in the wake/midst of the post-911 propaganda onslaught.

for clarification, i believe that al queda is a giant group of pussies. i think that they, quite literally, blew their wad on the attacks that tuesday morning. that was it, the big bang. that fat lady sang the opening number, if you will. sept. 11 would not have taken place without the inaptitude of the time. and i am positive that it has been corrected, if only by the vigilance of the common man/woman.

in that, i am expressing two points. the first being that without said vigilance, the minor security upgrades and bureaucratic awareness of today, sept. 11 could not have happened. the second being that even if it were possible, the common person on a plane is going to know that they will die in a hostage situation, and more people would be willing to take greater risks to do what they can for the greater good.

and thus, since 2001, the aim of american propaganda has been to perpetuate the fear that some of us felt that morning. the fear, though, is completely irrational. and it is clear to me that i have more to fear from george w. bush than osama bin laden or a pre-deposed saddam hussein. and i would point out that when you examine that statement, it is not so outrageous.

i believed, correctly, that saddam could never hurt me as long as i lived in california. and at the same time, i could care less about what he did to his neighbors ... and certainly not israel, which is certainly an oppressive theological based government with no legitimate claim to the land is "possesses." and that, as i expressed earlier, osama bin laden had showed his hand, and would no longer be able to attack the united states.

bush, on the other hand, is a far greater threat. though i do not believe that the patriot act will ever be used against me, or any white american-born man. really, i don't think bush is much of a threat either. i do, despite how i may sound from time to time, believe that there are safeguards to protect us from bush. of course, there are no such protections for the rest of the world against a bush led american war machine. but fuck them, that's their problem.

either way, i figure that few of my friends have any clue about the g-8 either. in fact, my money says that they have never even heard of it. i mean, my smartest friend couldn't tell me who dick cheney was. as apathetic as i may be, i am far more interested and active than most of my peers.

bbc describes the g-8 as:

The G8 comprises seven of the world's leading industrialised nations, and Russia.

damn brits. we go ahead and name our language after them, and they can't even have the decency to speak it correctly ... and always with that sissy accent. no matter, here's the translation:

the g8 is comprised of eight of the world's leading industrialized nations. fuck you, russia.

the union is a superficial one of the following nations:
the united states
ab the uk*
ab canada*

*ab stands for "america's bitch." these are countries that would not even exist without dependency on the united states, and really have no claim to any influence on a global level. japan receives an exemption from this classification because, i believe, that japan is secretly and patiently waiting for the day that they may take revenge on the united states for perpetrating two of the worst crimes in recorded history in august of 1945.

the g8 was apparently formed in the 1970s. who knew? and really, no one should care. it is a union without any strength. the g8 fits exactly the image that the bush administration has painted of the united nations. i guess i don't really have enough interest in them to find out more.

i do, though, realize that this was a mighty long entry to say absolutely nothing useful. i guess that sucks for you. but, i am sorry. today's photo ... well, i am not sure what i think of it, other than it's funny.