odd noises in my head

mardi, mars 22, 2005

a post-scriptum to the previous entry ...

well, my eyes are nearing the end of the day. but just before i got my blanket, i got an e-mail updating the status of the afformentioned vegatable. the judge has just ruled to let the bitch die already, and i think that is a quote.

now me, fuck, i am not sure i want to live through perfect health, let alone some vegatable ass shit. i mean, all i really want out of life are the experiences and the thoughts that go along with them. fuck this keep me alive at all costs nonsense.

on top of that, i am kind of picky about the way i live my life. and i am not going to go on about all the stupid emotional and spiritual bullshit that goes along with that (that's what livejournal is for), but i do want to say that i think that i would tell just about any lover, and certainly a wife.

and at the same time, i am not too sure about my the judgements my parents have showed in the past. fuck that noise. if you are my family, i will always love and respect you, but you have to understand that, at least on a level more based in reality than i care to spend much of my life in, i didn't choose you. i did, though (again on that same level) choose my wife.

so please, gods, let there be a judge out there to say just let the prick die if i should ever be in that situation -- assuming i understand the situation. the truth is that all i know i have picked up from idle talk. i can't honestly say it's the type of news that interests me.

i mean, fuck, isn't there a war going on? and has anyone seen comercials for the new "millitary" channel? sorry, talk about a tangent. but i am far more interested in the school shooting today -- though that too, i know nothing about. and i am not sure i am interested enough to change that. really, the only thing that interests me right now is going to sleep. and that is what i shall do.