odd noises in my head

mercredi, septembre 08, 2004

not sure how this is a story

i am not sure anyone wasn't seeing the message in the bush campaign as being that if you don't vote bush, you are voting for another terrorist attack. so i am not sure what the big idea is.

but having said that, i would think that most people are going to recognize bush owns responsibility for the attacks. and that is not to say that he was maliciously involved. it is that bush is the embodiment of what is wrong with america. he is the symbol of what they attacked that day. and it's not freedom.

george bush stands for christianity. he stands for individualism. he stands for imperialism. he stands for revenge. he stands for ignorance. he stands for capitalism. he stands for secrecy. he stands for the evil in the world.

of course, bin laden isn't a whole lot different. and really, when the fuck did bush last mention bin laden's name? when did kerry? and why the fuck did we stop talking about getting bin laden?

another story in the times this morning says that the iraq death toll has now reached more than 1,000 americans. bush didn't mention that today either. he is being allowed to get away with everything. these are significant problems.

and moreover, our involvement in iraq is also very much a sign of the sickness of america -- which drove bin laden to attack the united states that tuesday morning. the truth is, bush should resign. he is putting this nation in a very bad situation. and it is only a matter of time until we find ourselves on the short end of this war ... all because we had this moron and his band of evil fucks running the government.

having said all of that, i am still not going to vote for kerry. he can be as anti-war as he likes, it's just too late. he has only proved himself to me to the kind of man who is going to say whatever he has to in order to get elected. it's pathetic. it's as pathetic as living in a country where george w. bush is president.

my idea of the solution (this morning): pull out of iraq. if bin laden is not in afghanistan, pull out of there (and any other country where the majority of citizens does not support our presence). if he is, find him ... NOW!!! and war is not the answer here anyway. withdraw all assistance to israel until the borders recede (and that means to the 1969 borders ... i am sorry, but i don't buy the whole pre-1968 border thing -- if you want new borders, fight another war ... i don't care). we should not be supporting a theocratic regime that is very much a threat to its neighbors. but that doesn't mean attack them. with all that done, i don't think we would have to continue a war on terror any longer.

as far as israel goes, it's about time for them to prove they are a real country. they can't keep up this aggresive action without facing and consequences. if you steal you neighbors' land, then they have the right to fight back ... and bring in allies. and where are the allies of palestine anyway?

it's all stupid politics over there. that's just one more reason why the united states should turn its back and walk away. those people are crazy. and the whole land is divided by both geopolitical needs/religious ideas. and for them, there is no end in sight.

but we have problems over here. please, someone focus on what is going on over here. racisim is alive in well. the lower classes are doomed from the first breaths they draw. the american dream is dead. and no one cares. whatever. i am tired.