odd noises in my head

lundi, novembre 01, 2004

just a hunch ...

i don't think this election is going to be as close as people think. i think that polling techniques are outdated. i don't know if that is good or bad for us -- though i call a re-election of bush to be a bad thing. and really, i feel that more because of the religious reasons that anything else.

i do not think it is a good idea to have someone with such strong religious beliefs in the white house. and i realize that kerry is not very level-headed himself. but i don't think he is as religious, though clearly he is willing to pretend that he is. but i am going to go ahead and forget the past, and pretend that being catholic is not as insane as being an evangelist.

i recently read this article in the new york times about how the zealous religiousness of dubya is not very appealing to a large segment of the republican party. and well, as a republican, i think it is clear that it really fucking threatens me.

that reminds me, i have started telling people at parties that i am a republican, often with a sense of pride. in fact, i am very proud. but it's clear that i like the fact that it offends the people that might be cool with me. and that's cool. i still believe in that all important wall.

anyway, i guess i am going to vote for nader. i don't really want to be a supporter of the green party. i don't think that a political party should be so narrowly focused. but i do think that there has a to some sort of referendum in this country in support for a break of the two-party system. and i mean, that was certainly a large part of my decision to join one of the two major parties.

but after hearing some of the excerpts of the lastest bin laden tape, i just started to wish that i cold vote for the big fella. i guess it's another situation of politics making for strange bedfellows.

in general, i feel that bin laden is just as evil and insane as bush, but i more often than not agree with him on a political level. i do think that the united states ought to withdraw all support for israel. i do think there is a problem with our nation when someone like bush can win to begin with. and i do think that our concept of freedom is not as holy as some do.

in fact, i fully support the right of nations like iran, israel and even a new iraq to opt for theocratic governments. though i believe that religion is a poison that kills liberty, i do not pretend to know what is right for people i have never even met. i just know that i do not like religion, and as long as i am protected from it, i am cool.

and there is part of me that likes the romantic notion of bin laden. he is almost like the modern che. i wonder if people will someday where his face on their shirt? who knows. people are a little uptight about the man to say the least.

i do think that bin laden does want bush to be president. in fact, i would not be suprised if bush called upon bin laden to do him a solid and release this tape. maybe i could be wrong in my prediction maybe it was going to be a blowout by kerry, but because of this tape, it may now be a close race.

i don't really know anything. i do know that i am ready for the futre, though. so let's get it on.